Jordan D. Tong
Professor and Department Chair, Operations and Information Management
Wisconsin Naming Partners Professor
Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Faculty Website:
Office Location: Grainger Hall, Room 4293
Office Phone: (608) 265-8220
Mailing Address: 975 University Avenue; Madison, WI 53706
Research Interests [Wordle of Titles and Abstracts]
Behavioral Operations Management: behavioral models, controlled experiments, cognitive judgment biases, human-AI interactions, forecasting, healthcare decision-making, service quality perception, decisions under uncertainty
Supply Chain Management: supply chain resilience, inventory models, supply chain coordination, payment terms
Published & Accepted Papers
Balakrishnan M, Ferreira K, Tong J (2024) Human-algorithm collaboration with private information: Naïve advice weighting behavior and mitigation. Accepted at Management Science.
Kim SH, Tong J (2024) Admission control bias and path-dependent feedback under diagnosis uncertainty. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 26(1) 117-136. [.pdf] [onlineappx] [data]
Davis A, Flicker B, Hyndman K, Katok E, Keppler S, Leider S, Long X, Tong J. (2023) A replication study of operations laboratory experiments published in Management Science. Management Science 69(9) 4973-5693. [.pdf] [onlineappx] [commentaries] [see also for more materials]
Feiler D, Tong J (2022) From noise to bias: Overconfidence in new product forecasting. Management Science 68(6) 3975-4753. [.pdf] [onlineappx] [data]
Ibrahim R, Kim SH, Tong J (2021) Eliciting human judgment for prediction algorithms. Management Science 67(4) 1993-2656. [.pdf] [onlineappx] [data] [informs video]
DeCroix G, Long X, Tong J (2021) How service quality variability hurts revenue when customers learn: Implications for dynamic personalized pricing. Operations Research 69(3) 683-708. [.pdf]
Kim SH, Tong J, Peden C (2020) Admission control biases in hospital unit capacity management: How occupancy information hurdles and decision noise impact utilization. Management Science 66(11) 4921-5484. [.pdf] [onlineappx] [data]
Batt R, Tong, J (2020) Mean service metrics: Biased quality judgment and the customer-server quality gap. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22(5) 975-995. [.pdf] [onlineappx]
Tong J, DeCroix G, Song J-S (2020) Modeling payment timing in multiechelon inventory systems with applications to supply chain coordination. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22(2) 346-363. [.pdf] [onlineappx]
Tong J, Feiler D, Larrick R (2018) A behavioral remedy for the censorship bias. Production & Operations Management. 27(4) 624-643. [.pdf]
Tong J, Feiler D, Ivantsova A (2018) Good choice, bad judgment: How choice under uncertainty generates overoptimism. Psychological Science 29(2) 254–265. [.pdf] [onlineappx]
Tong J, Feiler D (2017) A behavioral model of forecasting: Naive statistics on mental samples. Management Science 63(11) 3609-3627. [.pdf]
Liu F, Song J-S, Tong J (2016) Building supply chain resilience through virtual stockpile pooling. Production & Operations Management 25(10) 1745-1762. [.pdf] [onlineappx]
Huang L, Song J-S, Tong J (2016) Supply chain planning for random demand surges: Reactive capacity and safety stock. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 18(4) 509-524. [.pdf] [onlineappx]
Feiler D, Tong J, Larrick R (2013) Biased judgment in censored environments. Management Science 59(3) 573-591. [.pdf]
Chen L, Kok AG , Tong J (2013) The effect of payment schemes on inventory decisions: The role of mental accounting. Management Science 59(2) 436-451. [.pdf] [onlineappx] [replication report]
Selected Working Papers
Kim E, Long X, Tong J (2025) Fair funnels: Bias, performance, and interventions in multistage hiring processes.
Manzoor E, Tong J, Vijayaraghavan S, Li R (2025) Bounding human effort in augmented intelligence systems.
Tuncalp F, Ibrahim R, Kim SH, Tong J (2024) Designing doctor-patient shared decision-making processes under bounded rationality.
Lin W, Kim SH, Tong J (2023) What drives algorithm use? An empirical analysis of algorithm use in type 1 diabetes self-management.
Book Chapter
Davis A, Tong J (2023) "Behavioral inventory management." The Research Handbook on Inventory Management. Edited by Jing-Sheng (Jeannette) Song. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. [.pdf]
Current/Upcoming Courses
Prescriptive Modeling & Optimization for Business Analytics (BA730) - Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023, Fall 2024
🏭 🧱 I made a game! 🏭 🧱 The Tong Lego Challenge is a classroom activity designed to introduce optimization models. You're welcome to use it!
Psychology of Business Analytics (OTM765) - Spring 2024
Previously Taught Courses
Operations Analytics (OTM365/453) - Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021
Introduction to Operations Management (OTM300) - Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016
Supply Chain Management (at Duke) - Spring 2011
I currently serve as an Associate Editor at Management Science and Operations Research; and as a Senior Editor at Production & Operations Management.
I organize the Behavioral Operations Management Summer Institute (BOMSI) for PhD students together with Ryan Buell, Kris Ferreira, and Steve Leider. The next BOMSI will be held at the Wisconsin School of Business in June 2-6, 2025 (see here). The last institute was June 11-15, 2023 at Harvard (see here). In general, we hope to offer the institute every other summer, rotating locations among Michigan, Harvard, and Wisconsin. Interested PhD students/advisors are welcome to get in contact!
I helped launch the MS in Business Analytics at Wisconsin and served as its first academic co-director. Happy to help point interested students towards resources to see if it's right for them.